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Links to other breeders that we admire and sites that we find interesting

BB Flatwood Catahoulas
Great friends and excellent breeders in Central Florida

Bullhead Catahoulas
Friend and up and coming breeder in Florida

Coloma Catahoulas
Great friend and excellent breeder in California

Cross Check Catahoulas
Close friends and excellent young breeders in Canada

Crystal Clear Catahoulas
Good friends and up and coming breeders in Tennessee

Gold River Catahoulas
Special friends and exceptionally dedicated breeders in California

Lakeside Catahoulas
Special friends and exceptionally dedicated breeders in Florida

Moffitt Catahoulas
Close friends and excellent hog dog breeders in Central Arkansas

Sisu Catahoulas
Good friend and up and coming young breeder in Indiana

Warrior River Kennels
Good friends and extremely dedicated breeders in Alabama

Other places we find interesting

Evans Training Center
Personal protection trainer in British Columbia, Canada with an interesting grasp on the difference 
between "real world" and "trial" protection
Breeding coefficients and genetics.

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